Daddy took part in the Normandy invasion. He landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day +1. (June 7, 1944)

Once on shore, his unit waited for the trucks to be brought in. Dad was a truck driver in a Quartermaster Unit. He hauled chain linked portable landing strips for our aircraft to begin landing in France.
His unit continued to supply the troops as the Americans moved on toward Germany.
He received five Bronze Stars for the five major battles in which he was involved.
Of course the most famous of these were the Normandy Invasion and the Ardennes. This one is more commonly known as Battle of the Bulge.
Daddy told of one time that his convoy was attacked by an enemy plane. The whole line was strafed by the plane. As trained to do, he drove his truck off the road and the men jumped out to head for cover. He recalled one of his buddies was killed in this attack. He rarely talked about his service. I think he saw lots of things that he would rather forget.
Ribbons he was awarded:
This one is the Victory Citation given to all who served in Europe for winning the war.
This is a Unit Citation given to the men of his Quartermaster Trucking Co. for fulfilling duties during dangerous conditions including driving at night with no lights to avoid detection and driving while under attack and through mined roads.
Here is a telegram sent before Christmas to Mom from France. They had met and had become friends before the war when Dad came to West Texas to work for Kid Moss.
So thanks to all the Veterans.