Sunday, June 23, 2013

Helping Moore, OK

Seven people from Sweetwater, six from our church, recently went to Moore, OK to help with the cleanup for a couple of days.  We got connected through the Methodist Church's relief organization.

The devastation is really beyond words.  Our job was to gut a house.  What we found out when we got there was that "gut" meant demolish everything down to the foundation and move it to within 15 feet of the curb.  The city of Moore was picking up the debris with large equipment from the street.

We were told that insurance pays for the demolishing between $3,000 and $8,000.  But now, the families are able to use that money to build a safe room in their new reconstruction. Safe rooms cost about $5000 extra to build.

The house we got assigned to was also being worked on by a group of FCA from Kansas and Missouri.  The other group left at lunch on Friday.  They had been in Moore all week.  We finished that house (with a little help from the dozier operator busting up the foundation next door) by the end of the day Friday.

Saturday morning we went to another house that had been torn down but the roof remained to be drugged to the curb.  We worked with two men from Moore and group of ladies joined us from Cushing, OK.  We were able to clean that house all the way down to the foundation by 11:00am.

We then returned our tools and cleaned up and headed home.

We asked the director of UMCOR in Moore how long they planned to be set up there. (We thought we might try to get another group to go again.) His response is very telling of how bad it is there: 2 1/2 years.

 On the way to the first house.
 We found some things what we thought the family might want to salvage.

 Praying for the family (single mom with two children.)

Our Group

 Across the street from the elementary school.

 Our sleeping quarters in Goodrich United Methodist Church in Norman, OK.
 The Saturday house.

Also check out the four videos on YouTube.  Click link at top of page.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

It's Not Suppose To Be That Way

Okay, so it's 104 in Sweetwater.  The air conditioner has been dripping it's condensation through the secondary outlet.  It's not suppose to be that way.  So upon investigation, there is a small hole in the primary drip pan so that the water is dripping into the secondary pan instead of out the drain line.  Now it's only about 130 degrees in the attic.

But I get some JB Weld and was told this would seal up the hole and fix the problem.  I follow the instructions to a tee.  It appears to set up just right.  So I gather up all the tools, towels, fans, and other stuff to come down out of the attic when...

...yeah, I lose my balance with my armload and the only place to step is...

...You guessed it.  Through the ceiling.  That hole up's not suppose to be that way.

And to top it off...when your 55 years old trying to do this...'s not suppose to be that way!

But hey! The fix worked for a few hours...then the drip started back at the secondary drain :-(.