Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Plague of Frogs

Well, this may not be the real plague of frogs that God brought on Egypt but it does remind me of it.  Since the good rain a couple of weeks ago, we have had numerous little frogs or toads (not sure which).  Now, when I say numerous...I mean hundreds.  They are in our yard, flowerbeds, in the garage, on the driveway, and out in the street.  This is definitely a population explosion. 

Susan says she feels like a murderer every time she backs out of the garage and driveway. 

They're kind of cute and don't make a sound. They are about 3/4 of an inch long.  Check out the picture and video. 

Yep, each little dark spot is a little toad.  I found it interesting that they were all going the same direction. Also, since I couldn't find these in my Field Guides, I am assuming they are all young and not adults yet.  This probably explains, why they are not croaking.  Just guessing!